I've tried to write this post many times & haven't succeeded, but I knew I wanted to do it before the end of 2014 & I have been itching to blog again. As it is, this probably isn't all or exactly what I want to say & I am "typing" this into my notes section on my iPhone as I wait for the sun to rise, but I need to tell you what has been going on in my life.
I took a break from blogging to focus on healing from my breakup with Miguel. Breaking up was probably the hardest decision I have had yet to make. If you need more details, I can respond to an email from you. The breakup was in August & I am still going day by day - some days being better than others. I've grown a lot, learning about myself & strengthening my relationship with God. It hasn't been easy & I haven't been able to put what I am feeling into words - which is probably a main reason for my absence on here. This article is probably the best one I have found that puts what I am feeling into words perfectly. I miss him. Sometimes what I have done doesn't make sense to me, but I am trusting in God to help me navigate.
So far it's been amazing to experience what God has been planning in my life lately. After about a year of wanting to, I finally organized & cleaned my room, got rid of a bunch of things, & built shelves. It felt amazing to purge. After a year of searching, I finally got a new job at an elementary school in September & am really enjoying it. I adopted an orphan kitten in October & named him Theo. In November I turned 27 & although I have mixed feelings about being only three years away from thirty, I welcome the possibilities of a new year of growth for myself. Now I am in December & am preparing myself for the new year.
I don't have resolutions per se, but I would like to focus this year on being the best me I can be. The best lina. & as I cannot accomplish that without God, the second part of my "resolution" is to be open to his leading & ready for what he does in my life. 2014 has had some growing pains, but I am welcoming 2015 with a hug.