Wednesday, June 20, 2012

tu me manques

the last two weeks have been quite hard. i broke up with miguel two weeks ago because i couldn't see us working out in the future because of our religious differences. i am seventh-day adventist & he is catholic. it was a really difficult two weeks as we both still loved each other & i left miguel heartbroken. i felt terrible :( he wasn't expecting it at all. i made a mistake by not talking through things with him. i am finding that i am not good at making big decisions under pressure. through the the past two weeks we talked on & off & tried to make things work between us. i prayed a lot about us & miguel has such a big heart & was very patient with me while we talked things out, giving me time to understand myself better. this week we made the decision to get back together & i feel so unbelievably loved  by miguel & confident & content about the two of us. although we are still healing through the roughness of this, i also feel that we are growing even closer together. i love him & when he was away from me it was as if something was missing from me.


  1. I'm very happy that the two of you are working through things, and I'm happy that you have someone who makes you feel that way. <3

  2. I'm sorry you had a rough patch, but very glad you were able to work through it. That only shows how much you care for one another, and how strong the relationship is, and how much the two of you are willing to make it work. How wonderful <3

  3. I'm happy you guys could work it out. I know religious views are big deal (especially when raising a future family), so the fact that you're willing to try to give it another go is really great. Good for you, Lina! And Miguel rules. Always.

  4. I'm so glad you and Miguel are working things out. Religion is such a big deal, and I can understand why you made your decision.

    But you and Miguel are so so so so so very sweet together. I'm happy that you guys feel even closer because of this :)

  5. You warm my heart Lina, being so honest and open with all that is in your heart.

    I wish all the happiness to both you and Miguel.


  6. I'm so relieved to hear that you guys are trying your best to talk through things together. Religion is certainly a very important aspect to consider. I wish you two all the very best. You two are so cute together.

  7. I had no idea you are a sevy (I am too!) and the only piece of advice I can offer is to think, but not with your heart. I read this quote once (which I cannot find anywhere now) that went something like this, that future happiness depends on two decisions you make in your life: who you love, and your career as it is a lifelong commitment.

    Ora mucho y Dios te mostrara lo que es lo mejor para ti. No muchos saben esto de mi, pero cuando muy joven (capaz tu edad) me senti muy sola y ya no queria sentirme mas asi. Asi que solita en mi pieza ore y le pedi un esposo a Dios y sabes? senti una tranquilidad despues y no me preocupe mas. Ese mismo año me case con mi esposo y en Diciembre van a ser 19 años de casada. No tengas miedo de pedirselo a Dios, pero que se haga su voluntad en tu vida y tu quedate tranquila que nunca el falla ;) si necesitas hablar con alguien yo contenta te escucho. Besitos xx
