Saturday, February 1, 2014

diy bean bag tutorial

 last month i was invited to two little boys' (brothers) birthday party. on the invitation was the following request: simple, recycled, or used gifts are welcome but not expected. we value your presence more than presents. cute & awesome right? anyways, being short on cash lately, i thought, "yes! this is perfect. i'll make them something!" & thus i began my pinterest search for handmade toys. i found a couple of ideas, but didn't trust my painting or sewing skills to that extent. then my mom had an idea of sewing simple bean bags & i thought, "easy enough!"
 all i did was find some scratch fabric i had (including some old jeans) & use pinking shears to cut out 4 inch square pieces. i used cute transportation flannel for one side of both sets & the jean & red gingham for the backs (so the boys can easily tell whose is whose).
 i then zig-zag sewed around three sides to form a "pocket", added 1/3 cup of beans from the cupboard, & sewed the pocket shut.

 i thought they turned out really cute. i had some jean left over & decided to sew little bags to store the bean bags in. such a simple gift & i had such fun making it. it felt good to be crafting again!

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