Friday, November 20, 2009

birthday & more

hey!! so, my birthday was very busy, but super nice : ) my friends & i went to a green festival. these are flowers my mom got me. i really like them.
i don't like cake, so i had candles in ice cream instead.

i got some great gifts from some fantastic friends! legend of the seeker season 1 from cameron....& a package of gifts from my british blogger friend, nicola!! i was so surprised! thanks nicola!!& she gave me a spirograph!!! i've been wanting one forever : )
my university's campus is very beautiful & fall like. i love i had to make a quick stop by the university bookstore, & while i was there i read where the wild things are : ) i still have to see the movie!!thank you for your happy birthday wishes!!! the bunting is not quite finished yet, but will be soon. & i have decided to use it to build my own wild things fort!


  1. Aaawwww that's lovely Lina!! Happy belated b-day!
    What flavour of ice cream did you choose?? ;))

  2. Happy Birthday Lina!!

  3. how fun! happy birthday!!!
