speaking of movies, i can't wait for this one coming out august 7!! (the mash game is fun to play :) it reminds me of middle school!)
one more thing! in my sociology of film class, my classmate, who is friends with someone on the academy awards board, saw new moon & said it was really well done & even better than twilight! yikes. really can't wait for this one either!
wow. i am sorry i haven't posted in so long. life has been just too busy. i just finished my summer job at the county fair so now i have more time for other things like blogging! these are photos of my last night at the fair. my friend frankie & i walked around taking photos or all the ride lights. so brilliant! & he made me art at the kid art place we were working at. he's so silly.so, this post is going to contain a lot of different things. i was debating on whether i wanted to do a lot of little posts or one really long one. this long one just seemed easier.
i was tagged by kait a while back to list six things that made me smile. well, here it goes! (all photos but sister photo from google search)
1. peonies i think they are becoming my favorite flower.
2. getting mailthis seems to be happening a lot lately!
3. pride & prejudicei could watch this movie over & over again & never get tired of it.
4. the field of sunflowers i pass on the way to school on the train.it reminds me of everything is illuminated.
5. my sistershe's leaving for school at the end of september. i'm really going to miss her.
well, i've been going to summer school every tuesday & thursday. one of my classes is a sociology of film class. it's really neat & i'm liking it alot. these are the films we have watched so far! (photos from imdb)
twilight (!!!) the truman showhalf nelsonabout a boy
one more thing before i end this post: thank you for all of your lovely comments!! everytime i get one i seriously get so happy. they make my day:] & i enjoy responding to each one. it makes this blog so much more personal. after this post, though, i'm not going to reply to the comments. at least until i am done with summer school & my life calms down a bit. i hope this is ok. i will start replying again as soon as i can!
dandelionkisses: aahh nutritional yeast. that's it.
penelope: thank you! i really like it too. i didn't think it was going to come out good though because the kite was so high up. zoom comes in real handy:]
ying: oh the kite runner! no i haven't read or seen the movie. i should. miss you.
thy lady: oh i'm glad the postcard made it to you! no, i don't have twitter...i can't decide if i like it yet or not. hehe.
kait: haha you know what? i didn't even think of juno when i titled that post! but yeah, juno!! my sister is much better thank you! she has fully recovered. oh i was guessing maltese too! awwe. so cute:]
my-my: yikes! yeah i stopped by today & went shopping with my friend. fun stuff.
janessalynne: yeah soquel! you need to go next year!! it would be nice to have you there :o)
sarah: i know! i should go more often too. especially since my mom LOVES flying kites too!
nicola: hello! oh i know right!? looks like a super fun movie.
inside the cabinet of wonder: oh you are so cute! we definitely need to have an adventure on day!!
susannromy: thank you, she is perfectly well now :o) ooo! pillow project??
camping was pretty good. we went to the beach which was about five minutes away from where we were staying. but my sistergot tonsillitis again & she had to go back early, so it wasn't as enjoyable as it could have been because she wasn't there the whole time. on the way home we stopped for some food & there was this huge fabric store across the street. so much fabric!
pauline: your writing was not messy at all :] & thanks for the happy camping wishes!
dandelionkisses: ugghhh. i didn't make it to urban outfitters :/ i just came back from campmeeting on sunday. oh & yeah texture & taste. because i can never find anything i like when it comes to vegan mac n cheese.
brinja: oh yes! i do! i could have sworn i sent it... i'll just send it again :]
my-my: yay! i tried to leave a comment yesterday, but i couldn't...i'll try again!
nottia: oh i do the same thing!! whenever the bacardi commercial comes on. & i love that commercial anyways :]
i got my pay it forward gift from penelope last night!! it's so neat! she made me a pretty necklace with a bird & teacup on it. if you like it, you can find more in her etsy store. she also sent me some red vintage buttons. i love them:] she mailed everything in an uber cool map envelope. thanks penelope! remember: there are still four more spaces in my pay it forward! sign up if you would like me to make you something!
i'm leaving for camping this weekend, so most likely i won't be posting until monday or sunday night. have an amazing weekend!
kait: yay for fabric! i'm not sure what to create with it yet. school is sad when it is summer school...aahhh. & you are so welcome about the trailer! ellen page is awesome:]
dandelionkisses: :o). isn't it pretty? ok. ok. i shall see if i can make it there before it ends...i don't know though...
srg85: :D yes she's from juno. ellen page is her name. ahh! yes, my music. it makes me so happy when people like it! ooo! the couch pillow project sounds fabulous! you should definitely post about it when you do it!
jennifer: mail mail mail! ooo! you are getting some too? yay!! you're gonna like it!
allison: yay! good! i didn't even know about it & i just stumbled upon it!
patricia: ahaha! but i love that word! it's a favorite of mine of yours :D
inside the cabinet of wonder: welcome!! yikes :D it looks good huh?? i'm excited!
the cherry blog: zooey's amazing!! :]
perfectly placed pualine: yes i did!! silly me, for some reason it didn't dawn on me that you were sending a date stamp. i was unbelievably happy!!! thank you so much:] i am planning on sending you something back! the blanket cover your mom made sounds lovely & what a great idea to use collected scraps! i will definitely show what i decide to make with the fabric!
my oh my i've been getting so many things in the mail lately! it's simply amazing & makes me happy all day! i received a free grab bag of fabric from singapore from karen & +handmadelove+. i believe that the giveaway is continuing this whole month of july, so you should check it out here. all you have to do is pay for shipping (about $3.50 usd). anyways, i love my fabric!! aren't the patterns lovely?
i started school again yesterday. ugh. not very happy about that. i'm taking two classes for my major (sociology) that are 3 1/2 hrs each & in the same classroom. this means i am in the same classroom for 7 hours twice a week. yikes. at least one of my classes is sociology of film & we get to watch a movie in each class. so that makes it a little better. i'm excited to see what movies we will be watching :o)
thy lady: oh you're too cute! haha i feel like dancing around with you :D you are welcome. oh good! i think my postcard to you will like it's new home.
inside the cabinet of wonder: thanks dear! oh i know right!? awesome gift. i just started tin man & i'm liking it indeed :]
kait: oh i know! she's so cute & i always have the biggest grin plastered on my face just because she does. haha. ooo nice! definitely a great plan to see them! i have my own collection of zooey magazine covers too! welcome hun :o)
brinja: aw. :o) yes, i have been busy.
allison: such a good song! i think it may be my song for summer 09.
i'm in love with matt & kim right now. especially this song. image from here.i got this letter from pauline! & she sent me a date stamp!! i've been wanting one forever. i'm so happy! thank you so much pauline!!
i got tin manfrom the library today. i think i'm going to watch it tonight. zooey deschanel is in it! love her. image from imdb.i got this award from mandy! thank you! i wasn't sure, but i guess they go together. i love them both! i will pass these awards on to wild tendency, arrivederci, & make.tea.not.war.
raquel: yes! i need all the help i can get!
kait: yeah! i was never really into sewing at all either! but my sister is like a pro. i hope some of it rubs off on me. i love your comments! they make me smile.
mandy: i hope i make creative stuff too. we shall see! thank you so much for the award!! :D
xavia: oh no! i already sent it! i hope it makes it to you anyways. at least now i have a good address for the future!
inside the cabinet of wonder: woo hoo! i was sooo excited when i found out that i won, you have no idea! wow, those i never heard of those daim candies before. they ARE super good.
thy lady: yes yes yes! it is so lovely! i hope mine gets to you soon! i sent it a while ago....:o)
allison: yeah! i actually like the food. & it's cheap too! man! i wish i could buy clothes at anthropologie....it's a tad to expensive for me there. but that top sounds pretty! :]
penelope: :o) i can't wait to use them. no anthropologie?! so sad!
a lot has been happening that i want to show & tell you about. so this is my life in photos & words since thursday:
thursday i got my giveaway prize in the mail! it is fabulous & so colorful. with all this sewing supplies, i want to start new sewing projects! even though i not very big at sewing... :o) thanks jennifer!!this was just a box at work that i thought was kinda ironic & an oxymoron.friday i spent the day with my sister & mom shopping & having fun throughout a city. i went to anthropologie, a bookstore, a paper store, & ikea. we ate lunch at ikea & a swedish candy called daim. it was yummy.this is the handmade paper i bought. it's amazing! the light one has real leaves throughout it & the blue one has a bunch of different color fibers.saturday i went to the beach with my friends. football was played...american football that is :o)later that day, when the sun was setting there was a glorious double rainbow in the sky. it wasn't even raining & that made it even more incredible. i was at my friend's house for the ufc championships when i saw it. (georges st-pierre is my favorite & he won!)i received my post card from jennifer! thank you!! i love getting mail:]
alright, that is the end of my life in photos & words from the past three days. starting today i am working long hours at my job putting the fair together in my town. & on tuesday i start summer school. i am not looking forward to it too much. but we shall see how it goes...
i've been getting so many nice comments! thanks everyone! inside the cabinet of wonder: oh yes! & i love numbers & math & all that nerdy stuff & the time thing just made my day:] oh & i found the sweet disposition song from the 500 days of summer trailer (if you didn't know already (i'm guessing you did :o))) oh & the package is still being compiled...:] perfectly placed pauline: :D yes i have been & thank you! ooo! i can't wait to get it in the mail!! so excited! jennifer (thy lady): hehe. yeah & the flowers really did only last a day! & i do have a record player:] it looks like this. srg85: yeah! they did. when i looked back they were all dried up & brown :/ xavia: :o) dionne: hello! it is pretty funny :] we like to draw them on our fingers when we are bored. maca: of course i haven't forgotten about you! i'm glad you like the photo :] kait: hello! thank you! oh yes, i love la bamba & everything ritchie valens. dandelionkisses: haha silly raquel. yeah i think that's how my boss found out about it, through a text. jennifer: yes! i did get it! thank you!! yes, i think it is a lomo photo. love those cameras! onic: hello! awe thank you :] mieke willems: hehe. it's pretty fun & silly :] allison: oh ok. yeah maybe i'll start that one...i'm glad you gave a suggestion because no one else really did :] thank you! patricia: hahaha! that's so funny! oh man, that must make the presentation more lively! live2laugh: hello! hehe cute story with the boyfriend :o). thank you for your nice words & for stopping by!
i've pretty busy with bunches of different things & i want to blog about all of it. however i have no time now, as i am off to work. but this photo is for you from here.
this is my sister. we were goofing off after work yesterday :o)
while at work, we were told that the cactus outside was blooming & the flowers only lasts for one day. i loved the flowers. they looked like bunches of feathers.another cool thing happened yesterday. my boss told me that at 4:56 it would be 456789 because it would be 4:56 on 7/8/09. ha! really neat. also it would be 123456789 at 12:34 & 56 seconds on 7/8/09. weird cool stuff :]
dandelionkisses: i can't wait! :]
inside the cabinet of wonder: yes yes! it was wonderful! & thanks :o)
sarah: oh i know! it makes me sad just to think of it.